Britain's brightest independent magic magazine

Issue 21 - July 08

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Stand-Up Magic Routined

David Hemingway
Available from: David Hemingway, 270 Gregson Lane , Preston PR5 0DP or
Price: £25.00  

Well now, here's a novelty, a book full of ideas for stand up performances. Yes, it's actually nothing at all to do with close up! Assuming that you've recovered from the shock, I should explain that this 56 x A4 size wire bound book is the accompanying volume to Working With Genius (reviewed elsewhere in this issue) and that it comprises of a further 11 stand up routines which David included in his Gingerbread lecture evenings.  

At first sight I was a bit surprised at the price of this book. At only 56 pages in length and produced as it is in a fairly rudimentary style in comparison to most other modern day publications, my initial feeling was that, in comparison to the much larger Working With Genius (which is also priced at £25.00), this companion book seemed rather expensive. I also didn't quite understand why the material in this book was not just simply included in the first book, even given that it would have made WWG over 200 pages long. However, based on the old adage that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I plunged into reading the contents.  

The 11 routines carefully detailed here are, without exception, totally solid commercial offerings. The props required are, for the most part, simple to acquire or make. There is magic with rope, jumbo cards, regular sized cards, envelopes and pictures, and each routine comes with all the necessary patter. The items have all been collected together from David's earlier publications or sales items, and so occasionally the themes and the patter can read a little old fashioned, but this doesn't detract, in my opinion, from the fact that if you work stand up you will almost certainly find something to add to your shows from the list of ideas presented to you in this book.  

Much of the material is strong in entertainment if not in magic content, and the number of moves required to make the effects work you can count on the fingers of one hand - and even then there is nothing that anyone except the total beginner will not be able to manage easily. David loves corny, humorous patter and if this is your style too you will have a goldmine. If it's not your style, you will still be able to adapt the presentations to something that suits you better, because the presentation pieces are all capable of great audience appeal.  

So, having carefully read the entire book, do I still think it's overpriced? Well, if someone picks it up and casually flicks through it trying to decide whether to buy it, I think they might consider it expensive. But anyone who is looking for solid real world performance pieces, will think it is actually excellent value. After all, what price can you put on years of experience laid before you in an easy-to-digest format? ML  

What’s Hot: easy to do stand up performance pieces
What’s Not: some may feel it is a bit expensive
Star Rating: ***

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