Britain's brightest independent magic magazine

Issue 28 - Sept. 09

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Cameron Francis
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Price: £14.99  

The trend for one trick DVDs continues with this somewhat surreal but highly novel trick from Cameron Francis of Florida .  Its novelty value however is coupled with a slightly illogical climax. See what you think.  

A playing card sized photograph of a fan of four Aces is shown. A card is chosen from a deck and can be signed and is lost back into the deck. You explain how the Aces in the photograph can divine the chosen card. After a wave of the photograph one of the Aces in the picture has turned face down. This turns out to be the same suit as the chosen card.  

Holding the photo with both hands the magician claims to then pull the face down Ace out of the picture and suddenly a playing card seems to appear (?) out of the photograph. The photo now has a gap in the fan where the face down Ace was! The face down card is turned over but it’s not the Ace. Huh? It’s the chosen card.  

If you are claiming to pull one of the Aces off the photo – when you turn it over,  that’s what it should be, an Ace!  By pulling a different sized card out of the photo which is then not the card that was actually in the picture leaves the climax to the trick magically illogical. It loses the surreal quality and becomes just a novelty.  It left me questioning the point of the photograph of four Aces in the first place and whether the effect has really been thought through before the video camera came out to get this trick on disc!  

All the necessary gaffed cards and photographs to do the trick are supplied with the DVD which you have to stick to the enclosed cards, but that is easy. The handling is not overly technical and it’s all well explained making it a repeatable item to carry around under working conditions without tying a deck up just for the trick.  

Now here is a small rant. If a trick is sold in a DVD format then I think this provides ample opportunity to show off a performance of the trick for the customer, under real world conditions that it’s best suited to (insanely commercial apparently), and also to show real world reactions that are claimed in its marketing (your spectators won’t know what’s hit them, as the cover says.) Annoyingly no attempt is made to show either its insanely commercial use (and see the handling under fire) or see audiences not knowing what has hit them! If the producers don’t bother to prove the hype on the DVD I begin to suspect the trick has barely seen a real audience!  What you get is Cameron demonstrating the trick to camera safely at home followed by a repeat demo in a parking lot, to a woman who smiles politely at the finish but who I suspect is slightly underwhelmed! What purpose the second demo serves over the first is not clear but at least we saw one real audience member. At least get some mates round to watch and cheer loudly at the end of the trick Cameron!

The good news is the DVD comes with several extras such as ‘Big Snapped’, a version with a slightly larger photograph and therefore different handling but the bad news is, it uses an American sized envelope impossible to find in the UK! Consequently some DVD Rom content contains a template so you make up this (odd looking) envelope, along with copies of the photographs of the four Aces to print out so you never run out.  

Three extra bonus card effects from Cameron are also included, two of which are certainly commercial – the third is just too long. Finally three guest magicians ( Dave Forest , Iain Moran and Stephen Tucker) offer alternative handlings for Snapped and here is the real fun – that wag Dave Forest thought it would be fun to hide this menu so you have to hunt around clicking on all his wonderful graphics to see if it brings up the secret menu. Dave Forest obviously has a different definition of customer care to me!  Fortunately it’s not hard to find because when you do you will see Iain Moran’s version of extracting the card from the photo, for me the nicest handling, although pulling a full sized card out of a picture of miniature cards still doesn’t work for me.  Not to worry because finally Stephen Tucker appears and corrects the illogical part of the trick. He makes the chosen card one of the Aces in the photo! So, when it’s magically removed from the photo it is the card that it logically should be. Thanks Steve!  

As with most current magic DVDs, more effort is focused on ‘style’ e.g. graphics, background music, gimmicky effects and getting it on the market, than making sure the product is audience tested, ready for market and lives up to its hype.  PP  

What’s Hot: A ‘surreal styled’ effect plus some extra material
What’s not: An over hyped trick that hasn’t been thoroughly thought through
Star rating: **  

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