Britain's brightest independent magic magazine

Issue 21 - July 08
Nestor Hato
from Close Up Magic and Magiczoom
Available from: www.nestorizer.com
Price: £30.00 (approx) for the
, £15.00 (approx) for the Nestorizer card gimmick, or £38.00 (approx) for the
two together
From French magicians Jean-Luc Bertrand and David Stone
comes a new
featuring the magic of Nestor Hato. This is a name new to me but having watched
I think it is a name we will be hearing more about in the near future. It was
Jean-Luc Bertrand who directed David Stone's highly successful two part
work The Real Secrets of Magic and the arty and stylish presentation used on
those works is evident again on this latest production. In order to ensure that
can be enjoyed by everyone worldwide, there is no speaking on the
at all. All the performance segments, sometimes with and sometimes without an
audience, are filmed simply with background music (which does get marginally
irritating after a while it has to be said!), and the explanations are similarly
all done visually. Because Nestor's magic is extremely to the point this format
works very well and everything is clear and understandable.
The magic itself is nearly all cards, there being just one
coin effect included. All of the routines are quick, visually surprising and
wonderful to watch. Nestor handles cards with a smooth fluidity which is
extremely easy on the eye, and his handlings are, for the most part, of nothing
more than intermediate difficulty. Much of the card magic is created using a
special card gimmick he calls a Nestorizer. Although he claims to have invented
a new gimmick, I don’t think this is quite the case, but Nestor has certainly
taken the concept and created a large number of amazing effects using it. With
the gimmick you can change a card face or the colour of a card back instantly,
you can do a clean card rise, a selected card can shoot itself from the deck as
it is spread or held, you can use it to secretly swap one or more cards, you can
use it for the cleanest card force imaginable plus quite a bit more. If you go
to the website shown above you will be able to watch the trailer and you'll soon
get the idea.
The construction of the gimmick itself is detailed in the
Extras section of the
so you can make your own. It's not particularly difficult to construct but will
take a few bits and pieces and a little care. Alternatively you can buy it from
Nestor himself. The gimmick is not difficult to use, but it will take a little
getting used to. The natural way that Nestor handles the deck shows what can be
achieved with practice, but you won't be able to emulate that right from the
outset. But it's worth getting to grips with it because of the startling magic
it will enable you to do.
As well as effects using the Nestorizer, there are other
terrific flourishes and quick card effects. There are, for instance, a number of
flashy instant four Ace productions shown which look fantastic, plus a Royal
Flush production, a wonderful (if slightly angly) deck vanish which caught me
out completely, and a couple of impossible looking effects where the deck is
covered on the table with a glass bowl or plastic box. Every single effect is
quick and visual - there are no multiple phase complicated routines to follow,
which is very refreshing.
The coin routine included consists of a couple of matrix
handlings. Nicely worked out, very visual to watch, although in terms of method
nothing particularly unusual. No gimmicked coins are used, which is a plus, and
the explanation is shot upwards from underneath a glass top table which clearly
shows everything you need to do to create the assembly.
The stylised way that this
, in line with their other offerings, is produced I do find slightly difficult
to watch at times in that there is constant focus pulling, changes of colour,
odd angles and of course the incessant musical background. While it can be
considered different and arty, which it is, in terms of making the effects
easier to watch and understand, it treads in my opinion a very fine line between
making the viewing interesting and making it unnecessarily challenging. Clearly
if the format of the
starts to obscure the clarity of the footage because it becomes too intrusive,
it defeats the object, and for my taste this
occasionally falls foul of this. Quite a few other DVDs I've seen recently have
also played around a little too much with the medium for my liking and it's a
trend which I hope
producers will not allow to develop too far in the wrong direction. While young
viewers may not have any problems with all this, older purchasers may feel
slightly disorientated by it all.
Overall I really like the material on this
DVD. When so much card magic is long winded and move obsessed, Nestor Hato's
offerings are a breath of fresh air. If you intend to buy this
I would recommend you take advantage of the deal and get a gimmick at the same
time. That way you will be able to play straight away with the various ideas for
it and will get immediate benefit from the
contents. ML
What’s Hot: excellent, visual card magic of eye-popping
What’s Not: slight overproduction perhaps on the video format
Star Rating: ****
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