Britain's brightest independent magic magazine

Issue 23 - November 08
Joshua Jay - Methods In Magic - Live In The
Available from: www.bigblindmedia.com
Price: £22.99
For some time now Joshua Jay has been the resident
columnist for Magic Magazine's Talk About Tricks column, and so he spends much
of his time talking about and showcasing other performers' routines. However,
Joshua is a young man of considerable personal talent too, and this excellent
from Big Blind Media is a perfect introduction to both Joshua the man and to
Joshua the creative thinker.
The first big 'plus' about this
is that it does not conform to your bog standard format of 'performer sits
behind a card table and drones on endlessly and self-indulgently about card
tricks'. Instead the BBM team have made a really interesting and engaging
which has skillfully combined documentary style filming with quasi-interview
footage and in-studio explanations.
The documentary element comes about because the film crew
went with Joshua on part of his recent extensive
tour. Using footage shot of his lecture at four different magic clubs, BBM have
cleverly edited the action so that the viewer sees Joshua performing to
different groups in different settings. Intriguingly, they have managed to cut
the film so that you get to see one trick performed all the way through but
split seamlessly between several venues. At first I felt this was just a
gimmick, but actually it's very refreshing as Joshua is wearing different
clothes, working a different room and to different people at various stages
during the performance of the one trick - it's very entertaining! There are
other documentary style segments too, such as Joshua answering questions to his
own camera while sitting in what looks like an airport, and also replying to
unheard questions in conversational and often humorous style while perched on a
large red sofa! It all helps to prevent any kind of boredom when watching it and
I thought it all worked really well.
So apart from the obvious artistic success of the
, what of the magic itself? Well, the lecture that the
is based on revolves around methodology, as Joshua explains how he devises his
routines and then performs and explains effects in order to illustrate his
points. The magic ranges from good to exceptional. I Dream Of Mindreading is
a cleverly disguised dressing for a method which enables the performer to reveal
a card that a spectator has merely thought of; Heightened Senses is a
good example of lateral thinking in which the magician apparently predicts the
exact height of a spectator chosen at random from the audience; ACAAPN
(Any Card At Any Page Number) is for me the pick of the entire
as it is a wonderfully constructed effect in which a freely selected card
vanishes from a pack and ends up inserted in a book at a page number genuinely
freely selected by a spectator; the Discrete Displacement is a killer
card move that has loads of applications and is straightforward to do; Three
Coin Vanish is a convincing in the hands complete vanish of three coins
which will not break your knuckles; Back In Time is a nice dressing for a
Triumph routine. There are also two dealer dem items shown and explained - Split
Decision and Vegas Visit. This was the only disappointing element of
as neither effect could be realistically attempted without purchasing the
necessary gimmicks from Joshua and while this might be acceptable when watching
the lecture in person where you could get the props if necessary from him there
and then, having them on the
was, in my opinion, out of place.
Joshua performs and explains lucidly and in a very engaging
style. He comes across as being hugely likeable and unlike so many of his
American counterparts, he doesn't display elements of an inflated ego nor is his
style brash or aggressive. In fact, in many ways his gentle, humorous approach
was rather 'English', and I am sure he would have been much appreciated
everywhere he went on his
tour. Some of the explanations on the
are lifted directly from the live lecture footage, at other times it is shot in
studio - again I found the variety very enjoyable.
Having watched a lot of DVDs for magicseen reviews, I have
to say that this was one of the most entertaining and instructive I have seen.
BBM should be congratulated on using their editing and creative skills in a more
measured way than they have at times done in the past so that the format of the
does not at any stage detract from its content. Joshua is an engaging
personality who has great ideas and who puts them across in a coherent and
charming manner. I would be surprised if anyone who bought this
didn't get a huge amount to take away after watching it. ML
What's Hot: seeing a skilled performer talk lucidly and
with knowledge about some strong magic
What's Not: we didn't need the 'dealer dem' tricks
Star Rating: *****
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